While DNA’s structure is iconic, most classroom models fall short of illustrating its dynamic properties. For my recent animation on mutation bias, I built a hands-on DNA model that physically demonstrates base-pairing. Many people wanted to know how to build this themselves. This article, with the accompanying “how too” video, guides you through the process of building the model and exploring its educational potential. For those less inclined to DIY, there’s also a petition to make these models available commercially.

Sign the petition to get the Stated Clearly, magnetic DNA model mass produced:

Sign the petition

read on to see how you can bring this innovative tool to your classroom or lab.

Tools You will need
  1. Drill
  2. A 6 gauge countersink or equivalent drill bits
  3. A screw driver
  4. Sandpaper
Materials you will need:
  1. 100 large wooden beads – 20mm in diameter
  2. 100 small wooden beads – 14mm
  3. 50 blue pony beads
  4. 50 red pony beads
  5. 1 spool of string, stretchy is nice, but cotton works too
  6. At least 4 chord locks (these are optional)
  7. You will need 100 screws, 6 gauge 3/4th inch long. Make sure the head is flat.
  8. 100 neodymium magnets, 6mm by 3mm
  9. 2 or 3 packs of Gel Superglue
Steps to build each nucleotide:
  1. Widen the top half of the 14mm bead’s string hole with either a 6 gauge countersink or a drill bit that is slightly wider than the screw’s head.
  2. Drill a pilot hole in the side of the 20mm bead with the tip of a 6 gauge countersink or a drill bit the size of the core of a 6 gauge screw.
  3. Run the 6 gauge 1/4th inch screw through the 14mm bead, the pony bead (red or blue) and into the pilot hole on the side of the 20mm bead. Tighten until snug.
  4. Apply glue to the top of the screw.
  5. Add the magnet, being careful to have the appropriate pole facing out.
  6. Do that 100 times, then string it all together and enjoy!